The Presence of Zuna’s Choice on the Stand
PROMOTE has revealed itself over the years as the ideal platform in Central Africa for the
promotion of businesses and partnerships. This year, it was organized from the 17th to the
25th of February 2024 in Yaoundé
PROMOTE is a multi–sectorial exhibition organized in Cameroon, at the confluence of
Central Africa and West Africa, on a non – commercial basis and for the general interest of
the economy by mandate of the Highest Cameroonian Authorities, by the INTERPROGRESS
International Foundation.
The event is aimed at enabling companies to seize all business opportunities, establish
multifaceted technical and financial partnerships, promote your know–how improve their
positioning in their circles of activity, compare themselves to the competition, better access
markets near and far, to increase the number of meeting, to grasp and understand the essence
of Economies, to initiate debates and business meetings participating in the development of
your business just to name a few.
It brings together companies of all sizes, administrations, regulatory agencies, various
institutions, and organizations. Each edition welcomes more than 1000 exhibitors, from 30
countries, from sectors of Agriculture and agro-industry, energy, industry, construction,
mines, infrastructure, ICT, health, banking and finance, insurance, tourism, crafts and
On day 1 which took place on the 18th of February 2024, the presence of Zuna’s Choice
could be felt under the Canopy of Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Mines and Artisans
(CCIMA). More precisely under the supervision of the PILOT INCUBATION CENTRE.
Here is an insight of how Zuna’s Choice spent its 9 days at PROMOTE;
Our first visitors were Mr. Ngambia Gilles and MS Rosine Mbolia from ACEP banking
institution with a message to assist very small enterprises in investing in Communications.
They advise that we should also think of pink packages (of which he was told the baby on it
denotes a girl in pink). We were encouraged to take risks to enter the market. A loan of 2
million could accompany us, to be paid in 6 months with two months of uncalculated taxes.
We were advised to carry out publicity on Facebook, Radio stations, la Grande page and
create a publicity spot.
Day 2 held on the 19th of February 2024, was composed of many interesting activities with
the Cameroon National Shipper’s Council (CNSC) including a workshop on three themes.
Theme 1: How to export under the AfCFTA (African Continental Free Trade Area
Theme 2: The importance of packaging in external trade
Theme 3: Measures of assistance of CNSC to the benefit of exporters (les Mesures
D’accompagnement du CNCC au profit des Exportateurs).
Many were fascinated and drawn by Zuna’s Choice beautiful packaging to which they asked
questions and got clarification and even proposed we invest on societal education and
information on the presence of Zuna’s Choice on the market and make efforts to put them on
Day 3, held on February 20th, 2024 was still very active. The participants were drilled on
two themes.
Theme 1: Business opportunities for Cameroonian companies under the AfCFTA Agreement
INVESTMENT COUNCIL) towards the promotion of International trade in Cameroon,
Gabon, and Togo.
The CWEIC, situated at Bonanjo- Douala, is a hub where we register to get business
opportunities to make your business known. The organization works in collaboration with the
Ministry of External Relations.
Talking about the financial responsibility of SMEs, he advised SMEs to put themselves in
Association, to benefit from CWEIC. This is the only way doors could be open to them. The
AfCFTA accord of 30/5/2019 involves the signing of a free trade Agreement between African
countries. The exchange rate is 15% and the reason why they brought the slogan; ‘’Africa
that we want’’. In French ‘’L’Afrique que nous voulons’’. For this objective to be attained,
the following rules of origin were to be observed;
Tarif concession
Pass (système Pan – Africain de Paiement)
Certificate of Origin (offered by the Chambers of Commerce)
Get Technical and Financial assistance from CNSC
CNSC is an organization that offers help to exportation because:
They master procedures
They master norms
They have access to information.
They advised Zuna’s Choice to add Arabic to their packaging if they plan to export to Arabic
Countries. Measures of assistance by CNSC to the benefit of SMEs involve;
To export, you need to have products in quantity and quality
Follow norms, know the consumption habits of the country you want to export
Have proof of origin of your merchandise
Get the ANOR Certificate.
How can one get financial assistance from the CNSC?
Get a business plan
Get registered at AFEXIME BANK
How do I get my desired customers?
Visit the different markets
Participate in saloons and fairs exposition of other countries
Attain exhibitions of other countries and be informed
SYNDUSTRICAM (Syndicate of Industries in Cameroon) also visited our stand. They
advised Zuna’s Choice to belong to a cooperative and come toward them for support. To raise
funds, they will give training, there will be training in March and June
DAY 4, February 21st, 2024, the day was still tight with activities, but we were more
implicated in explaining the role of the Pilot Incubation Centre to the public. The day ended
with 7 sales of Zuna’s Choice.
On day 5, February 22nd, 2024, we received the presence of the Secretary of State to the
Ministry of Mines, Industry, and Technological Development Mr. Fuh Clistus.
On February 23rd, 2024, Zuna’s choice was selected to present her success story in front of
the members of the Chambers of Commerce to which we caught attention of H/E the
CCIMA who shared with us some very insightful information and advice which we plan to

On February 25th, 2024, was the last day of PROMOTE 2024. It all ended well. We left the
venue at 7 pm.
The greatest take away from PROMOTE 2024, is the aspect of CONNECTIVITY. Promote
as its name stipulates, creates opportunity for companies to connect and be informed about
their presence in the market, to know their competitors and partners to improve and build
their business idea. This is a real platform to COMMUNICATE your business idea.
PROMOTE gives you an opportunity to think how big you want your business to be in the
future with respect to the kind of objective you’ve fixed for your company.
At PROMOTE we meet partners which in turn create room for partnership.